Designed and sturdily built for long, trouble-free service, the Lámina Desplegada, S.A. DE C.V. (LADESA). Expanded Metal Refuse Basket is now being specified and used exclusively by many leading municipalities, park systems, environmental landscaping groups, and institutions of all types. The Lámina Desplegada, S.A. DE C.V. (LADESA). Expanded Metal Refuse Basket is specially designed and fabricated for sidewalks, parks, factories, playgrounds, cemeteries, golf courses, schools and institutions where economy and durability are of prime importance.
The open mesh construction of the Lámina Desplegada, S.A. DE C.V. (LADESA). Expanded Metal Refuse Basket blends into the environment easily. The open top design accepts refuse more readily than a closed container and the six symmetrically spaced vertical ribs combine with horizontal reinforcing bands to make it nearly impossible to overload. Designed and built to last longer than most products offered for the same purpose, the Lámina Desplegada, S.A. DE C.V. (LADESA). Expanded Metal Refuse Basket also provides a further saving in freedom from costly maintenance and repairs.
Available with or without nameplate, as well as in decorative mesh patterns.